plcLib for Arduino (C++)

The Arduino version of the library may be downloaded using the following links.

Development Version (C++)

This is the latest ‘development’ version of the C++ library for the Arduino and compatibles.

Beta versions may have features which are ‘experimental’ and which are likely to change, even if only slightly, before becoming the next stable version. There may be limited ongoing development, such as completion of user documentation, or correction of any bugs which come to light.

To install the library, select the Add Zip Library… option in the Arduino IDE. This is typically available from the pull-down menu, by selecting: –

  • Sketch > Include Library > Add Zip Library…
Adding a Zip Library from the Arduino IDE
Adding a Zip Library from the Arduino IDE

If installation is successful, you should be able to go back to the Sketch > Include Library option in the Arduino IDE and scroll down to select the newly added plcLib option. This will cause the text “#include <plcLib.h>” to appear at the top of the editor window, which in turn makes the features of the library available in your sketch.

Behind the scenes, the Arduino library folder structure will also have been updated with a folder called ‘plcLib‘ which is under your Arduino ‘libraries‘ folder. For many users, the path will be something like: –

  • My Documents > Arduino > libraries > plcLib

You should now be able to open an example sketch by selecting the following option from the pull-down menu: –

  • File > Examples > plcLib > Targets > [Select your board]

The loaded sketch will be the BareMinimum example, configured for your chosen hardware. Hence, you can use this minimal sketch to check your hardware is correctly configured and working. Please note that the full range of user examples is available from plcLib – live.

Stable Version (C++)

The current stable version of the library is available from GitHub: –

The associated Zip file may be downloaded by clicking the Code button and then selecting the Download ZIP option from the displayed menu. Then proceed, as discussed above, to install the library.

Note: The plcLib – live web IDE and Simulator is based on Version 2.0 of the C++ library, and is not compatible with Version 1.x. The Github version will be updated to Version 2.0, once the beta version evaluation period is complete.

Earlier Versions